お知らせ 【メンテナンスのお知らせ】4月25日(木)10:00から1時間半ほど、メンテナンス作業を予定しております。作業の間はconnpassのご利用が出来ません。ご迷惑をおかけしますが何卒ご了承ください。

お知らせ connpassではさらなる価値のあるデータを提供するため、2024年5月23日(木)を以ちましてイベントサーチAPIの無料での提供の廃止を決定いたしました。
2024年5月23日(木)以降より開始予定の「connpass 有料API」の料金プランにつきましてはこちらをご覧ください。




Engineers Meetup: Backend, API & Architecture

Theme: Behind the curtain, talks about Backend.

主催 : Mercari Engineering Gateway

Engineers Meetup: Backend, API & Architecture
ハッシュタグ :#Mercaridevmeetup
2019/04/18(木) 07:30 ~ 09:30

2019/04/16(火) 13:39 〜
2019/04/18(木) 07:30まで



〒106-6118 東京都港区六本木6丁目10−1 六本木ヒルズ森タワー

マップで見る 会場のサイトを見る


Welcome to Mercari's Engineer's Meetup!

This is an event to gather engineers in the Tokyo area to share technical knowledge and network over drinks & food. This is not a study session, no need to bring your laptop (unless you really want to). Each session we'll have a different theme.

📌 Theme: Behind the curtain, talks about Backend.

For every app and every service we consume on a daily basis, there is always more than meets the eye.

At Mercari, we are transitioning from a big monolithic backend to a microservices based one, while we keep pushing our product forward and serving requests for more than 30 million clients only in Japan. As you might guess, this effort is not without obstacles, so we have gathered some of our backend engineers to explain a few of the challenges they are having fun with.

We are really looking forward to learning from you!

📌 Agenda

19:00 ~ 19:30 - Check-in

19:30 ~ 19:40 - Opening

19:40 ~ 19:50 - What I do and How I do in my first global company (Mutsumi Ichihara)

19:50 ~ 20:00 - What is a Backend? A selective guided tour through terminology, approaches, and technology (Victor Adossi)

--- Short break

20:10 ~ 20:20 - gRPC and Context (Siddharth Kannan)

20:30 ~ 20:40 - The benefits of working in Mercari as a Software Engineer (Naoki SEGA)

20:40 ~ 21:30 - Networking & drinks

📌 Who can join this event?

This event is free and targeted to professional engineers or anyone studying or working in roles related to engineering and technology (entrepreneurs, product managers, designers, etc).

This event is for community building and knowledge sharing. We politely ask that recruiters and IT service consultants looking to hire or sell their services do not come to this event. If we identify any form of harassment or inappropriate behavior that does not comply with the event purpose, we will ask you to leave.

MercariDev Meetups strives for a safe, diverse and inclusive space. Although the event and talks will be held in English, we are a multilingual group, and we welcome anyone interested in the main purpose of the event regardless of nationality, language, or skill level.

About Mercari: https://about.mercari.com/en/ Check out our tech blog: https://tech.mercari.com/

📌 Access

This meetup will be held at the Mercari office (Roppongi Hills, Mori Tower 18F).

On the day of the event, find the MercariDev reception on the Lower Lobby of Mori Tower, they will check-in guests and instruct you on how to go to the 18F. Please bring a business card to facilitate the check-in. Make sure to RSVP to the event on Meetup.com as guest names will be checked for security purposes.

📌 Stay in touch!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MercariDevJp Instagram: https://instagram.com/Mercari_Life LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mercari-inc-/ We're hiring! https://careers.mercari.com/en/

前回大好評だった Engineers Meetupの開催が決まりました!今回は4人のエンジニア が Backendに関する面白い話してくれます。

Engineers Meetupとは?


今回は4月18日(木)となっております。詳細は Meetup.comよりご確認ください。参加希望の方は「参加」を押してください!

資料 資料をもっと見る/編集する




kayoreena1021 さんが Engineers Meetup: Backend, API & Architecture を公開しました。

2019/04/16 13:39

Engineers Meetup: Backend, API & Architecture を公開しました!




2019/04/16(火) 13:39 〜
2019/04/18(木) 07:30



〒106-6118 東京都港区六本木6丁目10−1 六本木ヒルズ森タワー
